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Regular Meeting – Tuesday, January 15, 2019 | |
PURSUANT to A.R.S. Section 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the Show Low City Council and to the general public, that a Regular Meeting of the Show Low City Council will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Cha.. | |
Call to Order. | |
Roll Call. | |
Invocation. | |
Pledge of Allegiance. | |
Any citizen desiring to speak on a matter that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council may do so at this time. Comments may be limited to three minutes per person and shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, and not to any individu.. | |
Presentation of “State of the City” Address. (City Council) | |
Consideration of Minutes of Show Low City Council meetings: | |
Special Meeting of January 2, 2019. | |
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2019-02 Revising Chapters 11 (Sewers), | |
12 (Land Division), and 14 (Water) of the Show Low City Code and | |
RollCall. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Seymore, newly-elected Mayor Leech,ViceMayorAllsop,CouncilmanClark,CouncilmanHatch,CouncilwomanKakavas,CouncilmanKelley,newly-electedCouncilmanAdams,andnewly-electedCouncilwomanWilson. COUNCILMEMBERSABSENT.. | |
Invocation. CouncilmanClarkgavetheinvocation. 4. | |
Consideration of Amendment to Professional Services Contract with Armstrong Consultants, Inc. for Runway 06/24 Rehabilitation Project. (Thomas Bahr) | |
PledgeofAllegiance. ViceMayorAllsopledtheCouncilandaudienceinthepledgeofallegiance. 5. | |
CALLTOTHEPUBLIC: Any citizen desiring to speak on a matter that IS NOT scheduled on this agendamay do so at this time.Comments may be limited to three minutes per personand shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, and not to any individ.. | |
RecognitionofOutgoingMayorDarylSeymoreandCouncilmanGeneKelley.(Mayor John Leech, Jr.) Mayor Leech presented outgoing Mayor Seymore and Councilman Kelleywithengravedbronzestatuesinappreciationoftheiryearsofservicetothe City. Councilman Kelley .. | |
PresentationofCertificatesofAppreciationtoOutgoingMembersofPlanningand ZoningCommission. MayorSeymorepresentedcertificatesofappreciationtooutgoingPlanning and Zoning Commission members Dawn Wilson and Jon Adamsandthankedthemfor theirservice. B. | |
Swearinginof NewCouncilMembers.(TamraReidhead) ThenewlyelectedCouncilmembersrecitedtheoathofoffice. Mayor Seymore and Councilman Kelley left the dais and new Councilmemberstooktheirseats atthe dais. CouncilwomanWilsonthankedcitizens,family,an.. | |
DesignationofViceMayortoTwo-YearTerm.(MayorJohnLeech,Jr.) MayorLeechopenedthefloortoacceptnominationsfortheofficeofViceMayor. Councilman Hatch nominated Councilwoman Kakavas.CouncilmanClarknominatedVice Mayor Allsop. MayorLeechandCouncilmembers.. | |
Presentation of Annual Report byShowLowHistorical Society. Clair Thomas, Show Low Historical Society Museum Executive Director,saidthemuseumimplementedCOVID-19pandemicguidelinesforpatrons.The museum averaged 40 visitors per day and had a total |
Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year2020. Mr. Johnson introduced Robyn Sibley, audit manager with Hinton Burdickwho would present the results of the fiscal year 2020 ComprehensiveAnnualFinancial Report (CAFR). M.. | |
CONSENTCALENDAR: A. ConsiderationofApprovalofProposedFiscalYear2022BudgetCalendar.(Justin Johnson) B. ConsiderationofRenewalofAgreementwithShowLowChamberofCommerce for the Period of January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021. .. | |
ConsiderationofAppointmentofPlanningandZoningCommissionMembers.(TamraReidhead) Ms. Reidhead said since Planning and Zoning Commissioners Jon Adamsand Dawn Wilson were elected at the Primary election in August to serveon the City Council, there we.. | |
ConsiderationofApprovalofFive-YearCapitalImprovementPlanforFiscalYears 2022 to2026.(BillKopp) Mr. Kopp said the City of Show Low was required by City Code to have anapprovedfive-yearcapitalimprovementplan(CIP).TheCIPwasaplanning tool to look five.. | |
Consideration of Approval of Scope Revision to East Hall Sidewalk andDrainageImprovements,CityofShowLowProjectNo.R-1620andApprovalofAssociatedBudgetTransfers.(ShaneHemesath) Staffaskedforthisitem be pulled. D. | |
Consideration of Ordinance No. 2020-06 Amending Chapters 1 (GeneralProvisions), 2 (Mayor and Council), 3 (Administration), 5 (Magistrate), 6(Animals),7(Building),8(Business),9(HealthandSanitation),10(Offenses), 11 (Sewers), 12 (Land Division), 13 (.. | |
SUMMARYOF CURRENT EVENTS: A. CouncilMembers ViceMayorKakavasthankedViceMayorAllsopforhiseffortsinorganizinglastweek’sturkeygiveawayandready-mademealstoresidents in need. CouncilmanAllsopthankedallwhoparticipatedlastweekduringtheg.. |
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