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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:06
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:11
Good morning and welcome everybody to today's regularly scheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting. Today is Wednesday, 00:00:23
August 21st, 9:00 AM Roll call, please. 00:00:27
Freeman, Scott James, Lori Sane or Liberty Harry. Box here. Kevin Ross here. Let the record reflect 5 out of five commissioners 00:00:32
are here. I do want to say a special guest with us. 00:00:37
Lynette Pepper will be shadowing us for today, so she'll be joining us up here so she can see how this stuff operates. 00:00:44
Minutes, approval of minutes August 7th, 2024 second motion by Commissioner Buck for approval of minutes for August 7, second by 00:00:51
Commissioner James. Any discussion hearing? None. All in favor signify by saying aye, aye. All opposed save sign and minutes for 00:00:57
August 7th are approved. 5 to 0 amendments to the agenda. Esther, do we have any amendments for today's agenda? All right, thank 00:01:03
you. I'd look for approval on consent agenda. Move to approve consent agenda. No. Second motion by Commissioner James for approval 00:01:09
of consent agenda second. 00:01:15
Commissioner Freeman, any discussion? 00:01:21
Hearing none. All those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and consent. Agenda passes 5 to 0. Warren site 00:01:24
of #1 General warrants August 15th and 20th of 2024. Move to approve second motion by Commissioner Buck to approve Warren second 00:01:30
by Commissioner James. Any discussion? 00:01:37
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and warrants August 15th and 20th past five to 00:01:44
zero. 00:01:48
Bids Item number one present bid B 24101 thirteen Galton Greater shed backup generator Facilities department Good morning to him. 00:01:52
Good morning Toby Taylor with purchasing. 3 vendors have replied to the solicitation. The Facilities department is reviewing those 00:01:59
replies and anticipates bringing a recommendation to the board on September 4th, 2024. Excellent. 00:02:06
Any questions for totally excellent. Thank you, Sir. That concludes bids and brings us to new business item number one, consider 00:02:14
acceptance of 2024 abstract of assessment and assessed valuation of all taxable property and master protest log real and personal 00:02:22
property. Good morning, Miss Jonas. Good morning commissioners. Brenda Donaswell, County assessor. Today I am presenting to you a 00:02:29
variety of reports as required in Colorado Revised Statute 398105. 00:02:37
Changes due to new construction. So you can see that vacant land and AG land decreased. That's because they absorb into other 00:03:45
property classes. You can see that we have new construction growth in residential it's 3.3%. 00:03:51
Reconstruction growth of 5.5% in commercial and 6/10 of a percent in industrial minerals show a 16% increase. That's a change in 00:03:57
sand and gravel production. And then stenosis represents a market value change. The biggest change is obviously oil and gas that 00:04:04
had a 31% decrease and production amounts were flat. So this really is just capturing that change in price that was prevalent in 00:04:11
2023. 00:04:18
The aggregate of all of these changes results from the overall taxable value in Well County dropping from 24.6 billion to 19.7 00:04:25
billion. It's an overall 20% decrease in value. 00:04:31
As I mentioned, this is preliminary. It is still subject to change as a result of appeals. If we move on to the next pages of the 00:04:37
report, you can see that we this year we had 891 assessor level of real property appeals with an adjustment rate of about 13.5%. 00:04:43
It's a higher number of appeals than we would normally see in an intervening year, but it's because we have several subdivisions 00:04:50
that are in various stages of development and they're appealed all of those accounts within those subdivisions. 00:04:56
We completed the assessor level personal property and oil and gas protest with 334 personal property appeals. 00:05:04
71 on gas appeals combined we made adjustments on all but 28 of those. So it was a 93% adjustment rate and that's because on those 00:05:11
appeals they're providing us with additional information which allows us to come up with the correct valuation. This year 1009 00:05:17
businesses did not file a personal property declaration as they're required to do. It was out of 4237 companies that's about a 24% 00:05:23
rate of nine non filers and that's very typical. We will begin auditing those companies in an effort to get that corrected value 00:05:29
by. 00:05:35
Taxpayers, so that concludes the description of reports that you have received from me. I am here to answer any questions and I 00:06:41
respectfully ask that you accept these reports into the record. Excellent. 00:06:46
Thank you very much, Brenda. Appreciate it. If you have any questions for Brenda, Mr. James, no questions just to comment. I'm so 00:06:52
glad you're ours. Thank you for the phenomenal work you do. Thank you. Excellent work. With any other comments question, same 00:06:57
thing. Thank you for all you're doing. Thank you. 00:07:02
Does anybody from the public wish to make comment towards the abstract assessment today? So please come to microphone. Keep your 00:07:08
comments to three minutes to state your name and address for the record. 00:07:12
So then I'll go ahead and close public, close public comment on this and then we'll bring it back to the board for consideration. 00:07:19
You can move to approve the resolution got a motion by Commissioner James to. 00:07:26
Accept the 2024 abstractive assessment. Assess valuation for all taxable property and master protest log second by Commissioner 00:07:31
Buck. Further discussion. 00:07:35
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye, all opposed, same sign. And that resolution passes 5 to 0. Excellent 00:07:40
work. Thank you. Thank you. 00:07:45
Item number two, consider updated list of arbitrators for property valuation appeals. Good morning, Corinne. Good morning, 00:07:52
Commissioners. Corinne McDougall, Deputy County Attorney. This is the list of arbitrators that the county must have in order for 00:08:00
taxpayers to appeal beyond the CBOE. So it's just an updated list for this year and we request your approval. 00:08:07
So questions for granted move to approve motion by Commissioner Freeman for approval of the list of arbitrator. Second by 00:08:16
Commissioner Buck. Any discussion hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed same sign. And that 00:08:23
resolution passes 5 to 0. Thank you Chris good morning, Jamie. Consider contract ID 8578 expenditure authorization and work plan 00:08:30
for workforce innovation and opportunity Actua for quality jobs equity strategy and training quest. 00:08:38
Dislocated Worker Grant DWG and authorized chair, Department of Human Services and Workforce Development Board to sign. 00:08:46
Good morning, Commissioners Jamie, Oregon Department of Human Services. This is an updated budget for the recapture for the 00:08:54
purchase of pack full licenses for the workforce readiness system and our request this morning is approval of the updated 00:09:00
expenditure authorization and work plan. 00:09:06
OK. Any questions for Jamie? 00:09:13
Move to approve second. 00:09:16
Motion, Mike. Commissioner Buck for approval of contract ID 8578 second by Commissioner James. Any discussion? 00:09:18
Hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign contract ID 8578 passes 5 to 0 and #4 consider 00:09:26
contract ID 8589 individual provider contract for purchase of foster care services and a foster care home and authorized chair to 00:09:34
sign Freddie our Norfolk Diaz curious and Kenya Guerra Guerrera. Thank you yes, good job. 00:09:42
This is a new This is actually a provisional foster home located in Denver, Co. 00:09:52
In our request this morning is approval of the contract. 00:09:57
Any questions for doing motion by Commissioner for approval contract. ID, 8589. Second by Commissioner James. Discussion. 00:10:01
Hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign. Contract ID 8589 passes 5 to 0 and #5 consider 00:10:09
contract ID 8624 Grant closeout checklist for various workforce innovation and opportunity act. We owe programs and authorized 00:10:17
shared sign. This is an annual report we do for the Colorado Department of Labor and employment for Weila grant close out. 00:10:26
This summarizes the grant activities for state fiscal year 2023-2024. 00:10:36
And our request this morning is approval of the Weola grant closeout report. 00:10:41
All right, any questions? Motion by Commissioner Freeman for approval of contract ID 8624. Second by Commissioner Buck. Any 00:10:46
discussion? 00:10:50
Aye none. All those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and contract. ID 8624 passes 5 to 0. 00:10:54
Item number six, consider contract ID 8626 intergovernmental agreement for disability program navigator and authorized chair 00:11:03
design. Thank you. This is an intergovernmental agreement we have with the division of Vocational Rehab and it outlines the 00:11:09
parties understanding and expectations regarding the operation of the disability program navigator initiative. And our request 00:11:16
this morning is approval of the intergovernmental agreement with. 00:11:22
Oak Rehab. 00:11:29
Thank you, Jamie. Any questions? Second motion by Commissioner about approval of contract ID 8626, second by Commissioner James, 00:11:31
Discussion. 00:11:35
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed same sign and contract ID 8626 passes 5 to 0. Thank you 00:11:41
Jamie, have a good morning. Item number seven consider many grant application for preventative block grant PG program fund for 00:11:48
Northern Colorado regional assessment collaborative partnership and authorized Department of Public health and environment to 00:11:55
submit electronically. Good morning Jason. Good morning commissioners Jason Cheshire with the health department. 00:12:03
This item seeks the boards approval to submit a grant application for $50,000. A one year grant application. Recall last year the 00:12:10
department submitted an application and was approved received funding to assess the feasibility of a regional community health 00:12:17
assessment. Our department does that every year. There are several organizations in the region that are required to do similar 00:12:24
assessments so. 00:12:30
We received initial funding last year to. 00:12:38
Essentially, determine if we could all work together instead of doing the same thing. 00:12:40
You know, 6 or 8 times separately, we had really good response and we are, we're seeking additional grant money to complete that 00:12:45
project. We will not hire additional full time staff. If the grant is funded, we'll hire a temporary employee. Cindy Kranagi, you 00:12:52
may remember her, she retired recently and we hired her back as a temporary employee. So this grant application seeks to complete 00:13:00
that process and I request the board's approval to apply for. 00:13:07
Grant funding. So anybody have any questions for Jason? 00:13:15
Motion by Commissioner Bob for approval of resolution second by Commissioner FREEMAN. Any discussion? 00:13:20
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed same sign and the resolution is approved 5 to 0. Item 00:13:26
number 8 consider corrected resolution regarding sub merchant application signature, authorization form, services agreement and 00:13:34
special provisions for ACH addendum for HS Gov tech health basis system and authorized chair, Department of Public health and 00:13:41
environment and controller to sign. Wonder where in DBA core business technologies. 00:13:48
That's a mouthful. Yes, Sir, this is a I would describe this as a housekeeping item the board originally approved. 00:13:56
This agreement back in February, it allows our department to accept credit card payments under the new software program that was 00:14:03
implemented. Again, this is a housekeeping item and I believe it adds the ability for us to accept American Express. I recommend 00:14:09
that the board approve the agreement. 00:14:14
All right. Motion by Mr. Freeman for approval of the resolution. Second by Commissioner Buck. Any discussion? 00:14:20
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye, all opposed, same sign. And the resolution passes fine to 0. Thank 00:14:27
you. Thank you, Jason. Have a good day. 00:14:31
This brings us to item number 9. Consider airport improvement program AIP grant agreement for rehabilitation of West apron, 00:14:39
designing construction phase one project and authorized chair and County Attorney to sign. Good morning Cooper. Good morning 00:14:44
Cooper. Anderson created Wild County airport. The first item you have in front of you today is a grant agreement from the Federal 00:14:50
Aviation Administration. 00:14:56
This grant agreement is for what we call our yearly entitlements from the Federal Aviation Administration. 00:15:03
Each year we are granted $150,000 to go towards projects around the airport. 00:15:09
This particular grant encompasses portions of the 2022-2023 and 2024 amounts from our entitlements. 00:15:15
And this project will go to rehabilitate our main ramp out in front of the terminal building where most of the aircraft who fly in 00:15:23
on a itinerant basis come in to park. And since Weld County is a sponsor of the Greeley Weld County Airport Authority, we need 00:15:30
your signature on this grant. 00:15:36
Excellent. Anybody have any questions for Cooper? 00:15:43
Motion by Commissioner Buck for approval of the grant. 00:15:48
And second by Commissioner Freeman, any further discussion hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed 00:15:53
same sign. And that resolution passes 5 to 0 item number 10 consider airport improvement program AIP grant agreement for 00:16:01
rehabilitation of main ramp construction phase two project and authorized chair and County Attorney to sign up. All right, so same 00:16:08
terms and conditions as everything I just repeated to you earlier except these funds are part of the bipartisan. 00:16:15
Infrastructure law that was enacted back in 2021, as part of that airports were of our category were given $292,000 a year in 00:16:23
entitlement funding to go towards capital projects. So we have combined our 2022-2023 and 2024 projects entitlements to go towards 00:16:29
this main ramp project. 00:16:36
Excellent. Any questions for Cooper? Second motion by Mr. Freeman for approval. Second by Commissioner Buck, any discussion? 00:16:45
Hey, none, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye. And that resolution passes 5 to 0. Thank you, trooper. Appreciate your 00:16:52
hard work on that. 00:16:57
And #11 consider settlement and release agreement for County Road 74 and 33 roundabout project authorized share to sign Merchants 00:17:04
National Bonding Inc, Lawson Construction Company and RLI Insurance Company. Mr. Chairman, this is a global settlement for the 00:17:11
purposes of settling out some claims that we had against Lawson and then also against Merchants. Merchants is a bonding company 00:17:17
and this is going to be their roundabout. 00:17:24
At 74 and 33. 00:17:32
May recall that the board had to go ahead and get rid of the contract with Lawson because of the non performance. 00:17:34
We then hired company to come in Clyde. They came in and did very good work, especially with the help of our public works people 00:17:45
that were working on it, Don Dunker, Mike Vidal and the others and completed the work that we saw this claim outstanding. 00:17:56
So we paid an extra, we think probably about 1.7 to 1.8 million. 00:18:07
The was what we're getting back as we keep an amount that we retained which was real close to 1.3 million. It was 1,290,000 and 00:18:16
some odd sense, but the so we have that and then we're getting 300,000 from merchants it gets us to. 00:18:28
Very close to 1.6 million, which is not too far off of what we had to pay out to get to accomplish the work. So we feel that this 00:18:41
is coming close to making us whole. We would recommend that the board. 00:18:49
Approve the Settlement agreement and Release agreement and authorize the Chair's signature. 00:18:59
Excellent work. Any questions for Bruce? 00:19:07
I appreciate all your work on this that I make motion to approve. 00:19:10
Second by Commissioner James. Any discussion? 00:19:17
I'll make comment. Yeah, I want to extend a great job to the public works team for staying on top of this project from the start, 00:19:20
monitoring and tracking everything and keeping good account of what was going on. It really helped us in this process so that we 00:19:27
could get to getting close to hold on this process. And Bruce, thanks for your efforts. 00:19:33
On it as well. And with that, there's no further discussion. I'll go ahead and call the call. All those in favor signify by saying 00:19:40
aye, aye, all opposed, same sign. And that resolution passes 5 to 0. That concludes new business and it brings us to public 00:19:45
comment. 00:19:50
An opportunity for anybody from the public to come forth, state anything they'd like to the county commissioners. You have up to 00:19:56
three minutes. If you can't make it here today, you can feel free to e-mail us at or at Or you 00:20:04
can do the old-fashioned snail mail at Weld County Clerk to the board, PO Box 758-1150 O St. Greeley, Co 806 three two. 00:20:12
Looks like we have somebody here. Good morning, Sir. Good. How are you guys doing? Good. How are you today doing Good, Sir. Good. 00:20:21
So I am here today to try to get your name. By the way, Andrew. Thank you, Andrew. 00:20:25
So I am here today to please have the Planning and Zoning Department prioritize and expedite the amendment for the fence 00:20:30
requirements under Wealth County Municipal Code, Chapter 29, Article 329-3-20, number three Census. Weld County previously 00:20:37
followed and adopted the International Code Council, the ICC and the International Building Code, IBC, and the International 00:20:43
Residence Code, the IRC requiring a permit for fences. 00:20:50
From the empirical data found on the county website, as of December of 2021 and May of 2022, permits for fences were required. 00:20:57
Seems to be the only municipality that does not decide to exempt the following coding statements for fences. If you can please fit 00:21:05
this at the top of your agenda and accomplish this, I would greatly appreciate that. 00:21:13
OK. Miss Robert, our Interim Planning Director, would you like to make comment towards this, please? 00:21:22
Elizabeth Rutherford, Planning Department Commissioners Mr. Hudson is correct. Right now our our county code does exempt fences. 00:21:31
Even if the International Building Code does require a fencing permit for any fence over 7 feet in height, our toad does currently 00:21:39
exempt it. So the, I guess the request that I hear him making before you is for staff to amend the code. 00:21:48
For 29. 00:21:57
To not require fences to be an exemption. 00:22:00
Obviously the department is working on multiple corridor total. 00:22:03
States right now, so if this is something that you guys feel should be prioritized, we can add it to the list. 00:22:08
Mr. Freeman, business we talked about yesterday in our briefing, it may be a priority, but there's certainly some priorities ahead 00:22:18
of that right now, including the the airport zone overlay district. That one is, is something that we need to get accomplished 00:22:25
fairly quickly as we move forward with the with, you know, with what we're doing with Greeley. And then there's a couple of other 00:22:31
ones that I think are more imperative, but they all are on the list. 00:22:38
That's fair. Got it. 00:22:45
We have staff has talked about revisiting fences with the commissioners and your position on fences for our county code. We 00:22:47
actually think Chapter 29 hasn't been visited in a very long time and we should look at it holistically and bring some 00:22:55
recommendations back to you. We haven't had a chance to start putting together those code recommendations yet. 00:23:02
To have a work session with you to discuss them. But to your point, Commissioner Freeman, it is on our list. We do recognize it 00:23:11
needs to be maybe reevaluated. The direction that I feel like at our last work session with the airport was that the airport 00:23:18
overlay zone district get prioritized as a code change to the top of the list. And if that is still the pleasure of the board, we 00:23:24
will work under that position. 00:23:31
Any comments? Do you have anything else, Sir? No, Sir. I just feel that, yeah, this needs to be looked at maybe. I appreciate your 00:23:39
comments today. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you, Elizabeth. 00:23:44
Any other public comment today? 00:23:50
All right, seeing. Oh, I'm sorry, didn't see you stepping up there. Come on up, Edwin. 00:23:53
Good morning. 00:24:06
Good morning, Commissioners. Nice to see you talking about fences. My brother's son Don't fence me in. Anyway, my name's Joe 00:24:08
Granite from Greeley, and I wrote up on the TV the other night. And then, you know, there's a familiar face, Commissioner Finland, 00:24:13
along with Sun Core Oil. I thought, well, that's kind of an unusual combination anyway. 00:24:19
The last time I was here, we talked about that $6 trillion federal expense list, the four, four and a half trillion dollar federal 00:24:25
revenue and 1 1/2 trillion dollar budget deficit. We're talking on to our children and grandchildren coming up. Anyway, I 00:24:32
mentioned the $975 million bond issue for Denver, Greeley and always have all this stuff going on all the time. 00:24:39
Is now trying to pay off a $395 million bond issue at 1025 9th Ave. It's going to require $491,000,000 to the taxpayers money to 00:24:45
pay that off. 00:24:50
Hey, what I mentioned today is a lifty Trump appointee to the federal bench. 00:24:56
Neil Gorsuch, he's from Colorado and he wrote a book. I wrote a word. He was talking about all the laws we've got out there. 00:25:04
There's like 30 or 40,000 international laws, 30 or 40 million local laws. I'd like to talk about one of those international laws, 00:25:10
the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty. It was a treaty put out to everybody, really too signatory, the Union of Soviet Socialist 00:25:16
Republics. 00:25:22
Russia and the United States of America. Guess what? Neither one of those countries paid a bit of attention to that law. So Trump 00:25:29
got this out of the law. Well, that was okay, and everybody paid attention to it anyway. The only signatory out of 200 countries 00:25:35
is Russia. It makes it sound like they're doing something good. They are. 00:25:41
So the point being, I guess as the year versus pointed out, I here I have an interview on television about his new book. And 00:25:47
anyway, it's getting the way if we prove ourselves innocent of some rape and misdemeanor, we seem to follow through a federal 00:25:54
felony. It's getting kind of ridiculous out there with all the overlapping stuff we've got everywhere. Thank you. 00:26:01
Thank you, Sir. 00:26:09
Does anybody else have public comment today? 00:26:11
All right, seeing none at 9:26, we'll stand adjourned till 10:00 AM for lands. 00:26:15
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I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:06
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:11
Good morning and welcome everybody to today's regularly scheduled Board of County Commissioners meeting. Today is Wednesday, 00:00:23
August 21st, 9:00 AM Roll call, please. 00:00:27
Freeman, Scott James, Lori Sane or Liberty Harry. Box here. Kevin Ross here. Let the record reflect 5 out of five commissioners 00:00:32
are here. I do want to say a special guest with us. 00:00:37
Lynette Pepper will be shadowing us for today, so she'll be joining us up here so she can see how this stuff operates. 00:00:44
Minutes, approval of minutes August 7th, 2024 second motion by Commissioner Buck for approval of minutes for August 7, second by 00:00:51
Commissioner James. Any discussion hearing? None. All in favor signify by saying aye, aye. All opposed save sign and minutes for 00:00:57
August 7th are approved. 5 to 0 amendments to the agenda. Esther, do we have any amendments for today's agenda? All right, thank 00:01:03
you. I'd look for approval on consent agenda. Move to approve consent agenda. No. Second motion by Commissioner James for approval 00:01:09
of consent agenda second. 00:01:15
Commissioner Freeman, any discussion? 00:01:21
Hearing none. All those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and consent. Agenda passes 5 to 0. Warren site 00:01:24
of #1 General warrants August 15th and 20th of 2024. Move to approve second motion by Commissioner Buck to approve Warren second 00:01:30
by Commissioner James. Any discussion? 00:01:37
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and warrants August 15th and 20th past five to 00:01:44
zero. 00:01:48
Bids Item number one present bid B 24101 thirteen Galton Greater shed backup generator Facilities department Good morning to him. 00:01:52
Good morning Toby Taylor with purchasing. 3 vendors have replied to the solicitation. The Facilities department is reviewing those 00:01:59
replies and anticipates bringing a recommendation to the board on September 4th, 2024. Excellent. 00:02:06
Any questions for totally excellent. Thank you, Sir. That concludes bids and brings us to new business item number one, consider 00:02:14
acceptance of 2024 abstract of assessment and assessed valuation of all taxable property and master protest log real and personal 00:02:22
property. Good morning, Miss Jonas. Good morning commissioners. Brenda Donaswell, County assessor. Today I am presenting to you a 00:02:29
variety of reports as required in Colorado Revised Statute 398105. 00:02:37
Changes due to new construction. So you can see that vacant land and AG land decreased. That's because they absorb into other 00:03:45
property classes. You can see that we have new construction growth in residential it's 3.3%. 00:03:51
Reconstruction growth of 5.5% in commercial and 6/10 of a percent in industrial minerals show a 16% increase. That's a change in 00:03:57
sand and gravel production. And then stenosis represents a market value change. The biggest change is obviously oil and gas that 00:04:04
had a 31% decrease and production amounts were flat. So this really is just capturing that change in price that was prevalent in 00:04:11
2023. 00:04:18
The aggregate of all of these changes results from the overall taxable value in Well County dropping from 24.6 billion to 19.7 00:04:25
billion. It's an overall 20% decrease in value. 00:04:31
As I mentioned, this is preliminary. It is still subject to change as a result of appeals. If we move on to the next pages of the 00:04:37
report, you can see that we this year we had 891 assessor level of real property appeals with an adjustment rate of about 13.5%. 00:04:43
It's a higher number of appeals than we would normally see in an intervening year, but it's because we have several subdivisions 00:04:50
that are in various stages of development and they're appealed all of those accounts within those subdivisions. 00:04:56
We completed the assessor level personal property and oil and gas protest with 334 personal property appeals. 00:05:04
71 on gas appeals combined we made adjustments on all but 28 of those. So it was a 93% adjustment rate and that's because on those 00:05:11
appeals they're providing us with additional information which allows us to come up with the correct valuation. This year 1009 00:05:17
businesses did not file a personal property declaration as they're required to do. It was out of 4237 companies that's about a 24% 00:05:23
rate of nine non filers and that's very typical. We will begin auditing those companies in an effort to get that corrected value 00:05:29
by. 00:05:35
Taxpayers, so that concludes the description of reports that you have received from me. I am here to answer any questions and I 00:06:41
respectfully ask that you accept these reports into the record. Excellent. 00:06:46
Thank you very much, Brenda. Appreciate it. If you have any questions for Brenda, Mr. James, no questions just to comment. I'm so 00:06:52
glad you're ours. Thank you for the phenomenal work you do. Thank you. Excellent work. With any other comments question, same 00:06:57
thing. Thank you for all you're doing. Thank you. 00:07:02
Does anybody from the public wish to make comment towards the abstract assessment today? So please come to microphone. Keep your 00:07:08
comments to three minutes to state your name and address for the record. 00:07:12
So then I'll go ahead and close public, close public comment on this and then we'll bring it back to the board for consideration. 00:07:19
You can move to approve the resolution got a motion by Commissioner James to. 00:07:26
Accept the 2024 abstractive assessment. Assess valuation for all taxable property and master protest log second by Commissioner 00:07:31
Buck. Further discussion. 00:07:35
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye, all opposed, same sign. And that resolution passes 5 to 0. Excellent 00:07:40
work. Thank you. Thank you. 00:07:45
Item number two, consider updated list of arbitrators for property valuation appeals. Good morning, Corinne. Good morning, 00:07:52
Commissioners. Corinne McDougall, Deputy County Attorney. This is the list of arbitrators that the county must have in order for 00:08:00
taxpayers to appeal beyond the CBOE. So it's just an updated list for this year and we request your approval. 00:08:07
So questions for granted move to approve motion by Commissioner Freeman for approval of the list of arbitrator. Second by 00:08:16
Commissioner Buck. Any discussion hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed same sign. And that 00:08:23
resolution passes 5 to 0. Thank you Chris good morning, Jamie. Consider contract ID 8578 expenditure authorization and work plan 00:08:30
for workforce innovation and opportunity Actua for quality jobs equity strategy and training quest. 00:08:38
Dislocated Worker Grant DWG and authorized chair, Department of Human Services and Workforce Development Board to sign. 00:08:46
Good morning, Commissioners Jamie, Oregon Department of Human Services. This is an updated budget for the recapture for the 00:08:54
purchase of pack full licenses for the workforce readiness system and our request this morning is approval of the updated 00:09:00
expenditure authorization and work plan. 00:09:06
OK. Any questions for Jamie? 00:09:13
Move to approve second. 00:09:16
Motion, Mike. Commissioner Buck for approval of contract ID 8578 second by Commissioner James. Any discussion? 00:09:18
Hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign contract ID 8578 passes 5 to 0 and #4 consider 00:09:26
contract ID 8589 individual provider contract for purchase of foster care services and a foster care home and authorized chair to 00:09:34
sign Freddie our Norfolk Diaz curious and Kenya Guerra Guerrera. Thank you yes, good job. 00:09:42
This is a new This is actually a provisional foster home located in Denver, Co. 00:09:52
In our request this morning is approval of the contract. 00:09:57
Any questions for doing motion by Commissioner for approval contract. ID, 8589. Second by Commissioner James. Discussion. 00:10:01
Hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign. Contract ID 8589 passes 5 to 0 and #5 consider 00:10:09
contract ID 8624 Grant closeout checklist for various workforce innovation and opportunity act. We owe programs and authorized 00:10:17
shared sign. This is an annual report we do for the Colorado Department of Labor and employment for Weila grant close out. 00:10:26
This summarizes the grant activities for state fiscal year 2023-2024. 00:10:36
And our request this morning is approval of the Weola grant closeout report. 00:10:41
All right, any questions? Motion by Commissioner Freeman for approval of contract ID 8624. Second by Commissioner Buck. Any 00:10:46
discussion? 00:10:50
Aye none. All those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and contract. ID 8624 passes 5 to 0. 00:10:54
Item number six, consider contract ID 8626 intergovernmental agreement for disability program navigator and authorized chair 00:11:03
design. Thank you. This is an intergovernmental agreement we have with the division of Vocational Rehab and it outlines the 00:11:09
parties understanding and expectations regarding the operation of the disability program navigator initiative. And our request 00:11:16
this morning is approval of the intergovernmental agreement with. 00:11:22
Oak Rehab. 00:11:29
Thank you, Jamie. Any questions? Second motion by Commissioner about approval of contract ID 8626, second by Commissioner James, 00:11:31
Discussion. 00:11:35
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed same sign and contract ID 8626 passes 5 to 0. Thank you 00:11:41
Jamie, have a good morning. Item number seven consider many grant application for preventative block grant PG program fund for 00:11:48
Northern Colorado regional assessment collaborative partnership and authorized Department of Public health and environment to 00:11:55
submit electronically. Good morning Jason. Good morning commissioners Jason Cheshire with the health department. 00:12:03
This item seeks the boards approval to submit a grant application for $50,000. A one year grant application. Recall last year the 00:12:10
department submitted an application and was approved received funding to assess the feasibility of a regional community health 00:12:17
assessment. Our department does that every year. There are several organizations in the region that are required to do similar 00:12:24
assessments so. 00:12:30
We received initial funding last year to. 00:12:38
Essentially, determine if we could all work together instead of doing the same thing. 00:12:40
You know, 6 or 8 times separately, we had really good response and we are, we're seeking additional grant money to complete that 00:12:45
project. We will not hire additional full time staff. If the grant is funded, we'll hire a temporary employee. Cindy Kranagi, you 00:12:52
may remember her, she retired recently and we hired her back as a temporary employee. So this grant application seeks to complete 00:13:00
that process and I request the board's approval to apply for. 00:13:07
Grant funding. So anybody have any questions for Jason? 00:13:15
Motion by Commissioner Bob for approval of resolution second by Commissioner FREEMAN. Any discussion? 00:13:20
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed same sign and the resolution is approved 5 to 0. Item 00:13:26
number 8 consider corrected resolution regarding sub merchant application signature, authorization form, services agreement and 00:13:34
special provisions for ACH addendum for HS Gov tech health basis system and authorized chair, Department of Public health and 00:13:41
environment and controller to sign. Wonder where in DBA core business technologies. 00:13:48
That's a mouthful. Yes, Sir, this is a I would describe this as a housekeeping item the board originally approved. 00:13:56
This agreement back in February, it allows our department to accept credit card payments under the new software program that was 00:14:03
implemented. Again, this is a housekeeping item and I believe it adds the ability for us to accept American Express. I recommend 00:14:09
that the board approve the agreement. 00:14:14
All right. Motion by Mr. Freeman for approval of the resolution. Second by Commissioner Buck. Any discussion? 00:14:20
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye, all opposed, same sign. And the resolution passes fine to 0. Thank 00:14:27
you. Thank you, Jason. Have a good day. 00:14:31
This brings us to item number 9. Consider airport improvement program AIP grant agreement for rehabilitation of West apron, 00:14:39
designing construction phase one project and authorized chair and County Attorney to sign. Good morning Cooper. Good morning 00:14:44
Cooper. Anderson created Wild County airport. The first item you have in front of you today is a grant agreement from the Federal 00:14:50
Aviation Administration. 00:14:56
This grant agreement is for what we call our yearly entitlements from the Federal Aviation Administration. 00:15:03
Each year we are granted $150,000 to go towards projects around the airport. 00:15:09
This particular grant encompasses portions of the 2022-2023 and 2024 amounts from our entitlements. 00:15:15
And this project will go to rehabilitate our main ramp out in front of the terminal building where most of the aircraft who fly in 00:15:23
on a itinerant basis come in to park. And since Weld County is a sponsor of the Greeley Weld County Airport Authority, we need 00:15:30
your signature on this grant. 00:15:36
Excellent. Anybody have any questions for Cooper? 00:15:43
Motion by Commissioner Buck for approval of the grant. 00:15:48
And second by Commissioner Freeman, any further discussion hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed 00:15:53
same sign. And that resolution passes 5 to 0 item number 10 consider airport improvement program AIP grant agreement for 00:16:01
rehabilitation of main ramp construction phase two project and authorized chair and County Attorney to sign up. All right, so same 00:16:08
terms and conditions as everything I just repeated to you earlier except these funds are part of the bipartisan. 00:16:15
Infrastructure law that was enacted back in 2021, as part of that airports were of our category were given $292,000 a year in 00:16:23
entitlement funding to go towards capital projects. So we have combined our 2022-2023 and 2024 projects entitlements to go towards 00:16:29
this main ramp project. 00:16:36
Excellent. Any questions for Cooper? Second motion by Mr. Freeman for approval. Second by Commissioner Buck, any discussion? 00:16:45
Hey, none, all those in favor signify by saying aye, aye. And that resolution passes 5 to 0. Thank you, trooper. Appreciate your 00:16:52
hard work on that. 00:16:57
And #11 consider settlement and release agreement for County Road 74 and 33 roundabout project authorized share to sign Merchants 00:17:04
National Bonding Inc, Lawson Construction Company and RLI Insurance Company. Mr. Chairman, this is a global settlement for the 00:17:11
purposes of settling out some claims that we had against Lawson and then also against Merchants. Merchants is a bonding company 00:17:17
and this is going to be their roundabout. 00:17:24
At 74 and 33. 00:17:32
May recall that the board had to go ahead and get rid of the contract with Lawson because of the non performance. 00:17:34
We then hired company to come in Clyde. They came in and did very good work, especially with the help of our public works people 00:17:45
that were working on it, Don Dunker, Mike Vidal and the others and completed the work that we saw this claim outstanding. 00:17:56
So we paid an extra, we think probably about 1.7 to 1.8 million. 00:18:07
The was what we're getting back as we keep an amount that we retained which was real close to 1.3 million. It was 1,290,000 and 00:18:16
some odd sense, but the so we have that and then we're getting 300,000 from merchants it gets us to. 00:18:28
Very close to 1.6 million, which is not too far off of what we had to pay out to get to accomplish the work. So we feel that this 00:18:41
is coming close to making us whole. We would recommend that the board. 00:18:49
Approve the Settlement agreement and Release agreement and authorize the Chair's signature. 00:18:59
Excellent work. Any questions for Bruce? 00:19:07
I appreciate all your work on this that I make motion to approve. 00:19:10
Second by Commissioner James. Any discussion? 00:19:17
I'll make comment. Yeah, I want to extend a great job to the public works team for staying on top of this project from the start, 00:19:20
monitoring and tracking everything and keeping good account of what was going on. It really helped us in this process so that we 00:19:27
could get to getting close to hold on this process. And Bruce, thanks for your efforts. 00:19:33
On it as well. And with that, there's no further discussion. I'll go ahead and call the call. All those in favor signify by saying 00:19:40
aye, aye, all opposed, same sign. And that resolution passes 5 to 0. That concludes new business and it brings us to public 00:19:45
comment. 00:19:50
An opportunity for anybody from the public to come forth, state anything they'd like to the county commissioners. You have up to 00:19:56
three minutes. If you can't make it here today, you can feel free to e-mail us at or at Or you 00:20:04
can do the old-fashioned snail mail at Weld County Clerk to the board, PO Box 758-1150 O St. Greeley, Co 806 three two. 00:20:12
Looks like we have somebody here. Good morning, Sir. Good. How are you guys doing? Good. How are you today doing Good, Sir. Good. 00:20:21
So I am here today to try to get your name. By the way, Andrew. Thank you, Andrew. 00:20:25
So I am here today to please have the Planning and Zoning Department prioritize and expedite the amendment for the fence 00:20:30
requirements under Wealth County Municipal Code, Chapter 29, Article 329-3-20, number three Census. Weld County previously 00:20:37
followed and adopted the International Code Council, the ICC and the International Building Code, IBC, and the International 00:20:43
Residence Code, the IRC requiring a permit for fences. 00:20:50
From the empirical data found on the county website, as of December of 2021 and May of 2022, permits for fences were required. 00:20:57
Seems to be the only municipality that does not decide to exempt the following coding statements for fences. If you can please fit 00:21:05
this at the top of your agenda and accomplish this, I would greatly appreciate that. 00:21:13
OK. Miss Robert, our Interim Planning Director, would you like to make comment towards this, please? 00:21:22
Elizabeth Rutherford, Planning Department Commissioners Mr. Hudson is correct. Right now our our county code does exempt fences. 00:21:31
Even if the International Building Code does require a fencing permit for any fence over 7 feet in height, our toad does currently 00:21:39
exempt it. So the, I guess the request that I hear him making before you is for staff to amend the code. 00:21:48
For 29. 00:21:57
To not require fences to be an exemption. 00:22:00
Obviously the department is working on multiple corridor total. 00:22:03
States right now, so if this is something that you guys feel should be prioritized, we can add it to the list. 00:22:08
Mr. Freeman, business we talked about yesterday in our briefing, it may be a priority, but there's certainly some priorities ahead 00:22:18
of that right now, including the the airport zone overlay district. That one is, is something that we need to get accomplished 00:22:25
fairly quickly as we move forward with the with, you know, with what we're doing with Greeley. And then there's a couple of other 00:22:31
ones that I think are more imperative, but they all are on the list. 00:22:38
That's fair. Got it. 00:22:45
We have staff has talked about revisiting fences with the commissioners and your position on fences for our county code. We 00:22:47
actually think Chapter 29 hasn't been visited in a very long time and we should look at it holistically and bring some 00:22:55
recommendations back to you. We haven't had a chance to start putting together those code recommendations yet. 00:23:02
To have a work session with you to discuss them. But to your point, Commissioner Freeman, it is on our list. We do recognize it 00:23:11
needs to be maybe reevaluated. The direction that I feel like at our last work session with the airport was that the airport 00:23:18
overlay zone district get prioritized as a code change to the top of the list. And if that is still the pleasure of the board, we 00:23:24
will work under that position. 00:23:31
Any comments? Do you have anything else, Sir? No, Sir. I just feel that, yeah, this needs to be looked at maybe. I appreciate your 00:23:39
comments today. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you, Elizabeth. 00:23:44
Any other public comment today? 00:23:50
All right, seeing. Oh, I'm sorry, didn't see you stepping up there. Come on up, Edwin. 00:23:53
Good morning. 00:24:06
Good morning, Commissioners. Nice to see you talking about fences. My brother's son Don't fence me in. Anyway, my name's Joe 00:24:08
Granite from Greeley, and I wrote up on the TV the other night. And then, you know, there's a familiar face, Commissioner Finland, 00:24:13
along with Sun Core Oil. I thought, well, that's kind of an unusual combination anyway. 00:24:19
The last time I was here, we talked about that $6 trillion federal expense list, the four, four and a half trillion dollar federal 00:24:25
revenue and 1 1/2 trillion dollar budget deficit. We're talking on to our children and grandchildren coming up. Anyway, I 00:24:32
mentioned the $975 million bond issue for Denver, Greeley and always have all this stuff going on all the time. 00:24:39
Is now trying to pay off a $395 million bond issue at 1025 9th Ave. It's going to require $491,000,000 to the taxpayers money to 00:24:45
pay that off. 00:24:50
Hey, what I mentioned today is a lifty Trump appointee to the federal bench. 00:24:56
Neil Gorsuch, he's from Colorado and he wrote a book. I wrote a word. He was talking about all the laws we've got out there. 00:25:04
There's like 30 or 40,000 international laws, 30 or 40 million local laws. I'd like to talk about one of those international laws, 00:25:10
the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty. It was a treaty put out to everybody, really too signatory, the Union of Soviet Socialist 00:25:16
Republics. 00:25:22
Russia and the United States of America. Guess what? Neither one of those countries paid a bit of attention to that law. So Trump 00:25:29
got this out of the law. Well, that was okay, and everybody paid attention to it anyway. The only signatory out of 200 countries 00:25:35
is Russia. It makes it sound like they're doing something good. They are. 00:25:41
So the point being, I guess as the year versus pointed out, I here I have an interview on television about his new book. And 00:25:47
anyway, it's getting the way if we prove ourselves innocent of some rape and misdemeanor, we seem to follow through a federal 00:25:54
felony. It's getting kind of ridiculous out there with all the overlapping stuff we've got everywhere. Thank you. 00:26:01
Thank you, Sir. 00:26:09
Does anybody else have public comment today? 00:26:11
All right, seeing none at 9:26, we'll stand adjourned till 10:00 AM for lands. 00:26:15
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