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This is the 90s and that's how you talk about. 00:00:01
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:06
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:11
Good morning and welcome everybody to today's regularly scheduled Well County Board of County Commissioners meeting. Today is 00:00:21
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024. Roll call, please. 00:00:28
Let the record reflect 5 out of five commissioners are here today. Minutes approval of minutes July 31st, 2024 Second Motion by 00:00:36
Commissioner Buck to approve July 31st. Minutes second by Commissioner James. 00:00:42
Any discussion hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed save sign and July 31st minutes past five 00:00:48
to zero certification of hearings. Hearings conducted on July 31st, 2024 and #1 USR 24-0010 Sunlight Farm, LLC, care of Pivot 00:00:57
Solar 59, LLC. Second motion by Commissioner Buck to certify hearing, second by Commissioner James discussion. 00:01:06
Hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign and hearings are certified 520 amendments to the 00:01:15
agenda Houston new have any amendments to today's agenda All right look for approval consent agenda if everyone to take a look at 00:01:22
number 567 and eight under consent agenda miscellaneous. 00:01:28
Partial vacation recorded exemptions is that anyone here that wishes for those from consent agenda? 00:01:35
All right, look for motion for approval. 00:01:42
Motion by Commissioner James approved. Consent agenda second by Commissioner Freeman. Further discussion hearing none. All those 00:01:45
in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and consent agenda passes 5 to 0 presentations. You got a few today. 00:01:51
This is exciting. 00:01:57
First one, recognition of services Noxious Weed Management Advisory Board Ronald Broda. Is Ronald here today? 00:02:04
Report signed all 5 county commissioners. 00:02:41
2nd. 00:02:46
Recognition of Services, Human Services Advisory Commission, Elizabeth Arbor. And looks like Elizabeth, you may have two here 00:02:48
today. We'll get your second one. We'll do them separately if that's OK. I see you're here though, right. OK. So first one is for 00:02:55
the Human Services Advisory Commission. 00:03:01
Elizabeth, if you would kindly come on forward, stand up the podium. 00:03:41
The spotlight will come on. 00:03:45
Great growth this past few years and thank you for all your support because it's made it possible. 00:04:48
I do, Elizabeth. I think we go back to the United Bank. 00:04:55
I don't know if it's. 00:05:00
Young, that smile is the most engraving, most loving, most dear. You're not going anywhere, are you? Because we're doing these 00:05:06
recognitions. Nope. I want to say the community. So that'd be great. Yeah. I just want to thank you for all you've done. You give 00:05:14
from your heart and you are so appreciated. And you're so loved. Thank you so much, Commissioner Buck. I appreciate that. Yeah. 00:05:22
Yeah, I would agree with everything that's been said. Thank you as just for what you've done for the citizens. Wall County. Thank 00:05:30
you, Commissioner Freeman. Mr. Singh. Yeah, thank you so much as well for all your hard work and service to the citizens. Thank 00:05:35
you, Commissioner. I would add to all those sentiments. Volunteering is never easy. 00:05:40
And you give up a lot of time you sacrifice for others, but appreciate the efforts you put on, put in on behalf of well county 00:05:46
citizens. So thank you so much. Thank you. Yeah. It's a pleasure to be able to to work here in our community and just to help our 00:05:52
citizens, you know, thrive and do better. So thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. So we'll read your second one and we'll 00:05:58
bring you up. We'll take a picture with. How does that sound so. 00:06:03
3rd Recognition of Services, Workforce Development Board, Elizabeth Barber and Laurie. 00:06:11
You're right in the middle. 00:07:29
Thank you so much. 00:07:33
OK. Are we ready? 00:07:43
123. 00:07:45
123. 00:07:48
Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. 00:07:50
Thank you. Thank you. 00:07:55
Thanks. Appreciate you. 00:07:57
That concludes presentations and brings us to Warrants, item number one. General Warrants, August 13th, 2024. 00:08:18
Motion by Commissioner James for approval of the warrants for August 13th, 2nd by Commissioner Bock. Any discussion? 00:08:26
None, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign and warrants passed 5 to 0 bids. Item number one approved 00:08:32
bid fee 24101 twelve heating ventilation and cooling HVAC belts facilities department. Good morning Toby. Good morning Toby Taylor 00:08:38
with purchasing. 00:08:44
As advertisers bidders for the purchase of belts for HVAC equipment, the low bid is from Fastenal and meet all the specifications. 00:08:52
Therefore, the facility department is recommending the approval to Fastenal as a supplier of belt for further pricing for the rest 00:08:57
of the calendar year. 00:09:03
Any questions? Motion by Commissioner Freeman, second by Commissioner Buck for approval of bid B 2400 and 1:12 Any discussion? 00:09:09
Hey, none all in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and bid be 24101 twelve passes 5 to 0. 00:09:18
Item number two Approve bid D 24101 fourteen hitting human ventilation and cooling. The HVAC filters Facilities department has 00:09:27
advertised this business for purchase of HVAC filters. The low bid is from Superior Filtration and meet specifications. Therefore, 00:09:33
the Facility department is recommending the approval for Superior Filtration as a supplier filters as needed for the pricing and 00:09:39
the proposal. 00:09:44
Questions. OK 24101 fourteen second Motion by Commissioner James for approval of bid B 24101 fourteen second by Commissioner Buck. 00:09:52
Any discussion? 00:09:56
Hearing none all in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and bid be 24101 Fourteen passes 5 to 0. Thank you 00:10:02
Sir. 00:10:06
New business item number one consider contract ID 8590 agreement for applied research in child welfare arc project services and 00:10:11
authorized chair to sign Lambert county department of Human Services Good morning Jamie good morning commissioners Jamie olive 00:10:18
Department of Human Services. This is an agreement we have with Larimer County to be the pass through agency for us to participate 00:10:26
with the applied research in child welfare project services that is conducted through the Colorado State University. 00:10:33
So request this morning is approve of approval of the Research project Services agreement and to authorize the Chair to sign 00:10:40
electronically any questions for Jamie. Move to approve second Motion by Commissioner Freeman to approve contract ID 8590. Second 00:10:46
by Commissioner Buck Discussion. 00:10:51
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and contract. ID 8590 passes 5 to 0. 00:10:58
Item number two, consider contract ID 8616, the 2024 through 2027 Royal County Upstate Regional Plan for Workforce Innovation and 00:11:06
Opportunity Act Leo and authorized chair, Department of Human Services and Workforce Development Board to sign. Thank you. This is 00:11:13
our regional plan that we have to complete every four years. It's required by the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act and it 00:11:21
includes continuous initiatives and client opportunities that our employment services. 00:11:28
Office provides our request this morning is approval of the regional plan for program year 2024 through 2027. Any questions? 00:11:37
Second motion by Commissioner Buck for approval of contract. ID 8616. Second by Commissioner James. Discussion. 00:11:48
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign. Contract ID 8616 passes 5 to 0. Thank you, 00:11:56
Jamie. 00:12:00
Consider contract ID 8614 intergovernmental agreement for Bridge 60 and a half 49 a replacement project and authorized chair to 00:12:05
sign. Good morning. 00:12:10
Good morning, Commissioners. Michael Bedell from Public Works Department. 00:12:17
This item is associated with. 00:12:22
Bridge replacement bridge 60 and a half, 49 A which is just east of the Greeley Airport and this projects on our five year CIP 00:12:25
plan. 00:12:31
And we have been. 00:12:37
Recommend for approval with a grant in conjunction. It'll be overseen by Colorado Department of Transportation. 00:12:41
And an amount of a grant coming from them is not to exceed $2,000,000. 00:12:50
The if approved, we'll move forward with this project. 00:12:57
We're planning to hire a design professional design consultant to design this bridge and. 00:13:02
If we're planning to start that process, seeking a design consultant probably this fall and awarding a contract hopefully in early 00:13:10
2025 to design this bridge. 00:13:16
And if it continues to move forward, I would estimate approximately 3 years or so where we might be under construction with this 00:13:22
bridge. 00:13:26
And I will be glad to answer any questions anyone has. Anybody have any questions for Mike? 00:13:31
Move to approve second Motion by Commissioner Freeman to approve contract. ID 8614. Second by Commissioner James. Discussion. 00:13:38
Everyone, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign contract ID 8614 passes 5 to 0. Thank you. Thank 00:13:46
you, Mike. 00:13:51
I remember 4 consider contract ID 8543 intergovernmental agreement to provide electrical and plumbing inspections and authorized 00:13:56
shared assigned town of new Raymond running Elizabeth My commissioners Elizabeth Rolford planning department here today to ask you 00:14:04
for your approval to enter into an agreement with the town of Raymer on performing their electrical and plumbing inspections as 00:14:11
well as permitting the board previous boards that from 1983. 00:14:18
Have we've had this agreement in place with them for electrical inspections that did not include permits or plumbing. And So what 00:14:26
we're asking is that we even amended the agreement back in like 1997 so that it could automatically renew. They do not have 00:14:33
obviously a building department, they don't have have adopted building codes. So they are essentially asking the county to help 00:14:39
perform those services for their towns, so. 00:14:45
This agreement would allow us to be able to do that. They could get a permit through us for plumbing and electrical. 00:14:53
They would follow the state code, so we would inspect to those standards. And I just want to tell you that this agreement couldn't 00:14:58
have happened so quickly without the help of Bruce Barker who literally helped write it overnight. And so this is something where 00:15:05
the town had reached out to us. I appreciate Mayor Long for working with Bruce on trying to do this. The board did approve it on 00:15:12
Monday. So this is a fast turn around to help keep their fire station moving forward. 00:15:19
Any questions for Elizabeth approved contract. ID 8543. Motion. Mike. Mr. James for approval of contract ID 8543, second by 00:15:27
Commissioner Buck. Discussion. 00:15:33
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign contract ID 8543 passes 5 to 0. Great work. 00:15:39
Thank you guys. 00:15:43
And #5 consider annexation agreement and petition for annexation numbers one and two for portions of county roads 18 and 59 and 00:15:49
authorized chair to sign town of Kingsburg. 00:15:54
Elizabeth Rutherford, Planning Department Commissioners, I'm really happy to be able to present this petition for annexation and 00:16:01
annexation agreement for your support on the annexation of portions of County Road 18 and County Road 59 in Kingsburg. The 00:16:08
agreement that we originally had with the town was back from October 18th of 2021 does pertain to the road and intersection 00:16:15
improvements at 18 and Kenner 59 or 18th and market is a lot of times. 00:16:22
Kingsburg refers to it. This was a partnership that we had with Waste Management to make improvements to that intersection. And as 00:16:30
part of the agreement, one of the conditions was that the town of Kingsburg would then come back and annex those portions of the 00:16:35
road that are not currently in their jurisdiction. So this now is that next step for that process that the county can petition on 00:16:41
their behalf. 00:16:46
Them to move forward with that annexation and so we would just ask for your support to complete this agreement. Excellent. Any 00:16:53
questions? 00:16:57
Move to approve. 00:17:01
Motion by Commissioner Freeman for approval of the annexation agreement, seconded by Commissioner Buck. Discussion. 00:17:03
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed. Same sign. And that annexation agreement petition passes 00:17:10
5 to 0. Thank you, Elizabeth. 00:17:15
Number six, consider appointment to Workforce Development Board. 00:17:20
Since we're all starting to find a name, Mr. Mr. Chair, I approved. I move to approve the resolution. 00:17:27
Second, motion by Commissioner James to approve the resolution. Second by Commissioner Buck. Any discussion point? Thank you, 00:17:33
Commissioner Freeman. 00:17:38
Any further discussion? 00:17:44
Hearing none, all those in favor of appointment alone price to the Workforce Development Board signify by saying aye aye, all 00:17:46
opposed, same sign, and that resolution passes 5 to 0. 00:17:52
#7 consider reassignment and reappointment to noxious weed management Advisory Board. Mr. Chair, I move that we reassign Darrell. 00:17:59
Waste to the board 2nd. 00:18:09
And the point? James Johnston to the board. Yeah. 00:18:13
Alright, Dean, are you OK with your modification? OK, you're welcome. So it's been motioned by Commissioner Buck. 00:18:18
For reassignment Mr. Rice and reappointment Mr. Johnson to the noxious Lead Management Advisory Board, second by Commissioner 00:18:26
James. 00:18:30
Any discussion? 00:18:35
758-1150 OH St. Greeley Co 806 Three two. Does anybody wish to address the board today? Come on up, Sir. 00:19:06
You know. 00:19:18
Good morning, Commissioners. For the record, my name is Steve Keats and Greeley. First of all, I would like to know if the board 00:19:30
members and I got one from Commissioner James and Commissioner Ross. But yes, the surveys, I would appreciate if you filled them 00:19:38
out, get them out to the meeting. 00:19:46
2nd. 00:19:55
I would like to tell you tomorrow's my birthday, my 71st birthday. Thank you and getting old. I need 12 people to take my place 00:19:59
here. 00:20:05
Also too. 00:20:12
But people need to be housed with no barriers. 00:20:16
I have surveys here which the party mentioned last. 00:20:22
Last time I was here over 500 and it would be very interesting and I know I'm in the dream world here, but all of you would read 00:20:27
it. 00:20:32
Because it is becoming more and more of a problem, and it causes not just more problems, but we say we're the richest nation on 00:20:37
this planet, but why don't we have so many homeless people? But I would like you to read these if you so choose. 00:20:46
So you would get none of the picture of the surgeons of this woman's problem. These these really tell also because of our growth 00:20:57
here. 00:21:02
We need a good regional system. 00:21:08
In the northern area like. 00:21:11
Attached to Land Run and Weld County and even Adams County, the northern part. 00:21:14
We need a good regional system because of the growth and if we don't get a good, good foundation regional system, we're going to 00:21:21
be playing, playing catch up if we ever could. 00:21:27
People need to get around for a lot of reasons, medical work, whatever, and it and it draws people to the area too. 00:21:34
In many ways, if it's events, meetings, moving here or have a business here or whatever. 00:21:44
We just need to think of transportation and how important it is. 00:21:53
And also to along with that, I think we need an RTA or RTD up here that which would eventually help to get things together as well 00:22:00
because transit transportation is of the future. And we need a good system, regional and eventually I hear even a rail system up 00:22:09
here which that probably not be for another 100 years. But I'm just saying is that we need to be serious about it. Thank you. 00:22:18
Thank you, Mr. 00:22:28
Somebody else switch to make public comment today. 00:22:31
Come on up, Sir. 00:22:35
I have intended to say a thing, but since the topic came up I just might add in my paradigms I. 00:22:43
$0.20 Anyway, my name is Evelyn Grant really and we just talked about buses and all kinds of stuff here. He mentioned some some 00:22:50
interesting things I follow up with on television the other night. His name was Steven Balmer and he was the chief executive 00:22:56
officer of Microsoft under Bill Gates. William Gates, the multi billionaire. Anyway, he was exploiting the federal budget which 00:23:03
was very, very interesting. 00:23:09
We have a six trillion, $160 billion budget. 00:23:17
And 86% of that was for a mandatory spending like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all right, and other things. 14% of that 00:23:21
was for what they called discretionary spending, which was defense, offense and a whole bunch of other things. Anyway, they had 00:23:28
the 2.2 trimming was for income taxes, 1.6 trillion was for payroll taxes. I, I might have, I might comment that if you'd like to 00:23:34
watch this thing, it was very, very interesting. 00:23:41
He did comment that the top 10% wealthiest people in the United States. 00:23:49
A 76% of our taxes, the bottom 50% paid 2 1/2 percent. So that that ought to tell us something. We just mentioned the homeless 00:23:54
problem really went in. I went to the City Council a week ago, not a Tuesday anyway, they spent $9 million, just food. And then 00:24:02
we've also got $50 million going to the homeless problem. It costs, it cost a half, $1,000,000 just to buy one new city bus. 00:24:10
They want 10 more. This is this is a problem that's going on all over the country, from East Coast to West Coast, Everything. 00:24:19
Everybody has a new idea what we need to buy. Some people want to build a recycling Center for aluminum, plastic and 10. I'm not 00:24:26
against that. Other people want to colonize Mars. Guess what, there's water on Mars, they tell me. 00:24:32
How interesting. I don't think it's going to help me much. I'm at 28th Ave. Roosevelt Rd. They spent the last several months 00:24:39
putting the pipe in there. Aren't I lucky? I know where those special taxing districts that I get to help provide water for the 00:24:46
yard at UMC Bears and Orange College Artworks and some sewer service for W Evans. 00:24:53
Thanks. I'll take you, Sir. 00:25:00
Does anybody else wish to make public comment today? 00:25:03
All right, it's 925. We stand adjourned. 00:25:07
I. 00:25:10
I. 00:25:36
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This is the 90s and that's how you talk about. 00:00:01
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, 00:00:06
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 00:00:11
Good morning and welcome everybody to today's regularly scheduled Well County Board of County Commissioners meeting. Today is 00:00:21
Wednesday, August 14th, 2024. Roll call, please. 00:00:28
Let the record reflect 5 out of five commissioners are here today. Minutes approval of minutes July 31st, 2024 Second Motion by 00:00:36
Commissioner Buck to approve July 31st. Minutes second by Commissioner James. 00:00:42
Any discussion hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed save sign and July 31st minutes past five 00:00:48
to zero certification of hearings. Hearings conducted on July 31st, 2024 and #1 USR 24-0010 Sunlight Farm, LLC, care of Pivot 00:00:57
Solar 59, LLC. Second motion by Commissioner Buck to certify hearing, second by Commissioner James discussion. 00:01:06
Hearing none all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign and hearings are certified 520 amendments to the 00:01:15
agenda Houston new have any amendments to today's agenda All right look for approval consent agenda if everyone to take a look at 00:01:22
number 567 and eight under consent agenda miscellaneous. 00:01:28
Partial vacation recorded exemptions is that anyone here that wishes for those from consent agenda? 00:01:35
All right, look for motion for approval. 00:01:42
Motion by Commissioner James approved. Consent agenda second by Commissioner Freeman. Further discussion hearing none. All those 00:01:45
in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and consent agenda passes 5 to 0 presentations. You got a few today. 00:01:51
This is exciting. 00:01:57
First one, recognition of services Noxious Weed Management Advisory Board Ronald Broda. Is Ronald here today? 00:02:04
Report signed all 5 county commissioners. 00:02:41
2nd. 00:02:46
Recognition of Services, Human Services Advisory Commission, Elizabeth Arbor. And looks like Elizabeth, you may have two here 00:02:48
today. We'll get your second one. We'll do them separately if that's OK. I see you're here though, right. OK. So first one is for 00:02:55
the Human Services Advisory Commission. 00:03:01
Elizabeth, if you would kindly come on forward, stand up the podium. 00:03:41
The spotlight will come on. 00:03:45
Great growth this past few years and thank you for all your support because it's made it possible. 00:04:48
I do, Elizabeth. I think we go back to the United Bank. 00:04:55
I don't know if it's. 00:05:00
Young, that smile is the most engraving, most loving, most dear. You're not going anywhere, are you? Because we're doing these 00:05:06
recognitions. Nope. I want to say the community. So that'd be great. Yeah. I just want to thank you for all you've done. You give 00:05:14
from your heart and you are so appreciated. And you're so loved. Thank you so much, Commissioner Buck. I appreciate that. Yeah. 00:05:22
Yeah, I would agree with everything that's been said. Thank you as just for what you've done for the citizens. Wall County. Thank 00:05:30
you, Commissioner Freeman. Mr. Singh. Yeah, thank you so much as well for all your hard work and service to the citizens. Thank 00:05:35
you, Commissioner. I would add to all those sentiments. Volunteering is never easy. 00:05:40
And you give up a lot of time you sacrifice for others, but appreciate the efforts you put on, put in on behalf of well county 00:05:46
citizens. So thank you so much. Thank you. Yeah. It's a pleasure to be able to to work here in our community and just to help our 00:05:52
citizens, you know, thrive and do better. So thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. So we'll read your second one and we'll 00:05:58
bring you up. We'll take a picture with. How does that sound so. 00:06:03
3rd Recognition of Services, Workforce Development Board, Elizabeth Barber and Laurie. 00:06:11
You're right in the middle. 00:07:29
Thank you so much. 00:07:33
OK. Are we ready? 00:07:43
123. 00:07:45
123. 00:07:48
Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. 00:07:50
Thank you. Thank you. 00:07:55
Thanks. Appreciate you. 00:07:57
That concludes presentations and brings us to Warrants, item number one. General Warrants, August 13th, 2024. 00:08:18
Motion by Commissioner James for approval of the warrants for August 13th, 2nd by Commissioner Bock. Any discussion? 00:08:26
None, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye all opposed same sign and warrants passed 5 to 0 bids. Item number one approved 00:08:32
bid fee 24101 twelve heating ventilation and cooling HVAC belts facilities department. Good morning Toby. Good morning Toby Taylor 00:08:38
with purchasing. 00:08:44
As advertisers bidders for the purchase of belts for HVAC equipment, the low bid is from Fastenal and meet all the specifications. 00:08:52
Therefore, the facility department is recommending the approval to Fastenal as a supplier of belt for further pricing for the rest 00:08:57
of the calendar year. 00:09:03
Any questions? Motion by Commissioner Freeman, second by Commissioner Buck for approval of bid B 2400 and 1:12 Any discussion? 00:09:09
Hey, none all in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and bid be 24101 twelve passes 5 to 0. 00:09:18
Item number two Approve bid D 24101 fourteen hitting human ventilation and cooling. The HVAC filters Facilities department has 00:09:27
advertised this business for purchase of HVAC filters. The low bid is from Superior Filtration and meet specifications. Therefore, 00:09:33
the Facility department is recommending the approval for Superior Filtration as a supplier filters as needed for the pricing and 00:09:39
the proposal. 00:09:44
Questions. OK 24101 fourteen second Motion by Commissioner James for approval of bid B 24101 fourteen second by Commissioner Buck. 00:09:52
Any discussion? 00:09:56
Hearing none all in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and bid be 24101 Fourteen passes 5 to 0. Thank you 00:10:02
Sir. 00:10:06
New business item number one consider contract ID 8590 agreement for applied research in child welfare arc project services and 00:10:11
authorized chair to sign Lambert county department of Human Services Good morning Jamie good morning commissioners Jamie olive 00:10:18
Department of Human Services. This is an agreement we have with Larimer County to be the pass through agency for us to participate 00:10:26
with the applied research in child welfare project services that is conducted through the Colorado State University. 00:10:33
So request this morning is approve of approval of the Research project Services agreement and to authorize the Chair to sign 00:10:40
electronically any questions for Jamie. Move to approve second Motion by Commissioner Freeman to approve contract ID 8590. Second 00:10:46
by Commissioner Buck Discussion. 00:10:51
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign and contract. ID 8590 passes 5 to 0. 00:10:58
Item number two, consider contract ID 8616, the 2024 through 2027 Royal County Upstate Regional Plan for Workforce Innovation and 00:11:06
Opportunity Act Leo and authorized chair, Department of Human Services and Workforce Development Board to sign. Thank you. This is 00:11:13
our regional plan that we have to complete every four years. It's required by the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act and it 00:11:21
includes continuous initiatives and client opportunities that our employment services. 00:11:28
Office provides our request this morning is approval of the regional plan for program year 2024 through 2027. Any questions? 00:11:37
Second motion by Commissioner Buck for approval of contract. ID 8616. Second by Commissioner James. Discussion. 00:11:48
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign. Contract ID 8616 passes 5 to 0. Thank you, 00:11:56
Jamie. 00:12:00
Consider contract ID 8614 intergovernmental agreement for Bridge 60 and a half 49 a replacement project and authorized chair to 00:12:05
sign. Good morning. 00:12:10
Good morning, Commissioners. Michael Bedell from Public Works Department. 00:12:17
This item is associated with. 00:12:22
Bridge replacement bridge 60 and a half, 49 A which is just east of the Greeley Airport and this projects on our five year CIP 00:12:25
plan. 00:12:31
And we have been. 00:12:37
Recommend for approval with a grant in conjunction. It'll be overseen by Colorado Department of Transportation. 00:12:41
And an amount of a grant coming from them is not to exceed $2,000,000. 00:12:50
The if approved, we'll move forward with this project. 00:12:57
We're planning to hire a design professional design consultant to design this bridge and. 00:13:02
If we're planning to start that process, seeking a design consultant probably this fall and awarding a contract hopefully in early 00:13:10
2025 to design this bridge. 00:13:16
And if it continues to move forward, I would estimate approximately 3 years or so where we might be under construction with this 00:13:22
bridge. 00:13:26
And I will be glad to answer any questions anyone has. Anybody have any questions for Mike? 00:13:31
Move to approve second Motion by Commissioner Freeman to approve contract. ID 8614. Second by Commissioner James. Discussion. 00:13:38
Everyone, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign contract ID 8614 passes 5 to 0. Thank you. Thank 00:13:46
you, Mike. 00:13:51
I remember 4 consider contract ID 8543 intergovernmental agreement to provide electrical and plumbing inspections and authorized 00:13:56
shared assigned town of new Raymond running Elizabeth My commissioners Elizabeth Rolford planning department here today to ask you 00:14:04
for your approval to enter into an agreement with the town of Raymer on performing their electrical and plumbing inspections as 00:14:11
well as permitting the board previous boards that from 1983. 00:14:18
Have we've had this agreement in place with them for electrical inspections that did not include permits or plumbing. And So what 00:14:26
we're asking is that we even amended the agreement back in like 1997 so that it could automatically renew. They do not have 00:14:33
obviously a building department, they don't have have adopted building codes. So they are essentially asking the county to help 00:14:39
perform those services for their towns, so. 00:14:45
This agreement would allow us to be able to do that. They could get a permit through us for plumbing and electrical. 00:14:53
They would follow the state code, so we would inspect to those standards. And I just want to tell you that this agreement couldn't 00:14:58
have happened so quickly without the help of Bruce Barker who literally helped write it overnight. And so this is something where 00:15:05
the town had reached out to us. I appreciate Mayor Long for working with Bruce on trying to do this. The board did approve it on 00:15:12
Monday. So this is a fast turn around to help keep their fire station moving forward. 00:15:19
Any questions for Elizabeth approved contract. ID 8543. Motion. Mike. Mr. James for approval of contract ID 8543, second by 00:15:27
Commissioner Buck. Discussion. 00:15:33
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye. All opposed. Same sign contract ID 8543 passes 5 to 0. Great work. 00:15:39
Thank you guys. 00:15:43
And #5 consider annexation agreement and petition for annexation numbers one and two for portions of county roads 18 and 59 and 00:15:49
authorized chair to sign town of Kingsburg. 00:15:54
Elizabeth Rutherford, Planning Department Commissioners, I'm really happy to be able to present this petition for annexation and 00:16:01
annexation agreement for your support on the annexation of portions of County Road 18 and County Road 59 in Kingsburg. The 00:16:08
agreement that we originally had with the town was back from October 18th of 2021 does pertain to the road and intersection 00:16:15
improvements at 18 and Kenner 59 or 18th and market is a lot of times. 00:16:22
Kingsburg refers to it. This was a partnership that we had with Waste Management to make improvements to that intersection. And as 00:16:30
part of the agreement, one of the conditions was that the town of Kingsburg would then come back and annex those portions of the 00:16:35
road that are not currently in their jurisdiction. So this now is that next step for that process that the county can petition on 00:16:41
their behalf. 00:16:46
Them to move forward with that annexation and so we would just ask for your support to complete this agreement. Excellent. Any 00:16:53
questions? 00:16:57
Move to approve. 00:17:01
Motion by Commissioner Freeman for approval of the annexation agreement, seconded by Commissioner Buck. Discussion. 00:17:03
Hearing none, all those in favor signify by saying aye aye, all opposed. Same sign. And that annexation agreement petition passes 00:17:10
5 to 0. Thank you, Elizabeth. 00:17:15
Number six, consider appointment to Workforce Development Board. 00:17:20
Since we're all starting to find a name, Mr. Mr. Chair, I approved. I move to approve the resolution. 00:17:27
Second, motion by Commissioner James to approve the resolution. Second by Commissioner Buck. Any discussion point? Thank you, 00:17:33
Commissioner Freeman. 00:17:38
Any further discussion? 00:17:44
Hearing none, all those in favor of appointment alone price to the Workforce Development Board signify by saying aye aye, all 00:17:46
opposed, same sign, and that resolution passes 5 to 0. 00:17:52
#7 consider reassignment and reappointment to noxious weed management Advisory Board. Mr. Chair, I move that we reassign Darrell. 00:17:59
Waste to the board 2nd. 00:18:09
And the point? James Johnston to the board. Yeah. 00:18:13
Alright, Dean, are you OK with your modification? OK, you're welcome. So it's been motioned by Commissioner Buck. 00:18:18
For reassignment Mr. Rice and reappointment Mr. Johnson to the noxious Lead Management Advisory Board, second by Commissioner 00:18:26
James. 00:18:30
Any discussion? 00:18:35
758-1150 OH St. Greeley Co 806 Three two. Does anybody wish to address the board today? Come on up, Sir. 00:19:06
You know. 00:19:18
Good morning, Commissioners. For the record, my name is Steve Keats and Greeley. First of all, I would like to know if the board 00:19:30
members and I got one from Commissioner James and Commissioner Ross. But yes, the surveys, I would appreciate if you filled them 00:19:38
out, get them out to the meeting. 00:19:46
2nd. 00:19:55
I would like to tell you tomorrow's my birthday, my 71st birthday. Thank you and getting old. I need 12 people to take my place 00:19:59
here. 00:20:05
Also too. 00:20:12
But people need to be housed with no barriers. 00:20:16
I have surveys here which the party mentioned last. 00:20:22
Last time I was here over 500 and it would be very interesting and I know I'm in the dream world here, but all of you would read 00:20:27
it. 00:20:32
Because it is becoming more and more of a problem, and it causes not just more problems, but we say we're the richest nation on 00:20:37
this planet, but why don't we have so many homeless people? But I would like you to read these if you so choose. 00:20:46
So you would get none of the picture of the surgeons of this woman's problem. These these really tell also because of our growth 00:20:57
here. 00:21:02
We need a good regional system. 00:21:08
In the northern area like. 00:21:11
Attached to Land Run and Weld County and even Adams County, the northern part. 00:21:14
We need a good regional system because of the growth and if we don't get a good, good foundation regional system, we're going to 00:21:21
be playing, playing catch up if we ever could. 00:21:27
People need to get around for a lot of reasons, medical work, whatever, and it and it draws people to the area too. 00:21:34
In many ways, if it's events, meetings, moving here or have a business here or whatever. 00:21:44
We just need to think of transportation and how important it is. 00:21:53
And also to along with that, I think we need an RTA or RTD up here that which would eventually help to get things together as well 00:22:00
because transit transportation is of the future. And we need a good system, regional and eventually I hear even a rail system up 00:22:09
here which that probably not be for another 100 years. But I'm just saying is that we need to be serious about it. Thank you. 00:22:18
Thank you, Mr. 00:22:28
Somebody else switch to make public comment today. 00:22:31
Come on up, Sir. 00:22:35
I have intended to say a thing, but since the topic came up I just might add in my paradigms I. 00:22:43
$0.20 Anyway, my name is Evelyn Grant really and we just talked about buses and all kinds of stuff here. He mentioned some some 00:22:50
interesting things I follow up with on television the other night. His name was Steven Balmer and he was the chief executive 00:22:56
officer of Microsoft under Bill Gates. William Gates, the multi billionaire. Anyway, he was exploiting the federal budget which 00:23:03
was very, very interesting. 00:23:09
We have a six trillion, $160 billion budget. 00:23:17
And 86% of that was for a mandatory spending like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all right, and other things. 14% of that 00:23:21
was for what they called discretionary spending, which was defense, offense and a whole bunch of other things. Anyway, they had 00:23:28
the 2.2 trimming was for income taxes, 1.6 trillion was for payroll taxes. I, I might have, I might comment that if you'd like to 00:23:34
watch this thing, it was very, very interesting. 00:23:41
He did comment that the top 10% wealthiest people in the United States. 00:23:49
A 76% of our taxes, the bottom 50% paid 2 1/2 percent. So that that ought to tell us something. We just mentioned the homeless 00:23:54
problem really went in. I went to the City Council a week ago, not a Tuesday anyway, they spent $9 million, just food. And then 00:24:02
we've also got $50 million going to the homeless problem. It costs, it cost a half, $1,000,000 just to buy one new city bus. 00:24:10
They want 10 more. This is this is a problem that's going on all over the country, from East Coast to West Coast, Everything. 00:24:19
Everybody has a new idea what we need to buy. Some people want to build a recycling Center for aluminum, plastic and 10. I'm not 00:24:26
against that. Other people want to colonize Mars. Guess what, there's water on Mars, they tell me. 00:24:32
How interesting. I don't think it's going to help me much. I'm at 28th Ave. Roosevelt Rd. They spent the last several months 00:24:39
putting the pipe in there. Aren't I lucky? I know where those special taxing districts that I get to help provide water for the 00:24:46
yard at UMC Bears and Orange College Artworks and some sewer service for W Evans. 00:24:53
Thanks. I'll take you, Sir. 00:25:00
Does anybody else wish to make public comment today? 00:25:03
All right, it's 925. We stand adjourned. 00:25:07
I. 00:25:10
I. 00:25:36
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